Get The Template


An easy and effective way to produce songs and make beats in Studio One.
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Get The Template Now

Music Production Can Be Overwhelming 😖


As a music producer, you're likely familiar with the abundance of tools available for creating music. From drum kits to sample packs to DAWs, the options seem endless. While this variety can initially appear beneficial, it also presents a significant challenge: the potential for 'Analysis Paralysis' as identified by psychology experts.

Analysis paralysis can be described as the phenomenon when an increased number of choices inadvertently also leads to more significant anxiety, indecision, paralysis, and dissatisfaction.

Like many producers, I've found that over time, I've been spending more time navigating my VSTs, plugins, and sounds than actually creating music. This shift can be incredibly frustrating and can hinder the creative process.


A Template Can Help Speed Up Creation 📋

Now, I'm not saying that having choices is terrible; sound selection is still super important in the production process. I am saying that in those first precious moments when you open your DAW, we should not spend so much time getting started. If we change direction or decide we need a specific tool once we're in flow, then so be it, but I genuinely believe those first moments of creation are crucial, and that is where an effective template can come in handy.

Not only should a good template help you avoid analysis paralysis, but it can also help you speed up your workflow by storing your favorite settings and tools, making your work more effective. This empowerment allows you to create more music with confidence and control.


An easy and effective way to produce songs and make beats in Studio One.

The Producer's Template will help you:


Organize Your Sessions for Faster Creation

The template comes with an organized, color-coded folder structure to help you create your beats faster.


Mix/Master Beats Easily with Effective Mixer Routing

The mixer comes pre-routed and filled with native Studio One plugins to make mixing and mastering your beats a breeze.


Save Time By Storing Your Favorite Settings/Tools

Customize the template with your favorite VSTs, sounds, & mixing plugins to avoid wasting time and get straight to creating.


The Producer's Template is the template that I personally use and trust to create my music every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Start Creating Right Away...

As soon as you purchase you will have instant access to the template download, as well as instructional videos on how to install and customize it so you can begin creating immediately.

Once you purchase you will also get LIFETIME ACCESS to the template and any future updates.

Choose Your Version




An easy and effective way to produce songs and make beats in Studio One

  • A General Production Template With Stock Studio One Plugins Ready to Be Customized to Suit Your Needs
  • Ivan's Personal Production Template Containing All the 3rd Party Plugins and VSTs He Uses On a Daily Basis! (Demo purposes only. Must still purchase third party plugins separately!)
  • Free Lifetime Updates






The Producer's Template


The Beat Maker's Toolbar

Master the piano roll and speed up your beat-making using MIDI.

  •  70 Carefully Created/Curated Beat-Making Macros Built Into One Easy-to-Use Piano Roll Toolbar

  • Free Lifetime Updates






Everything from the Producer's Bundle 


The Engineer's Template

An easy and effective way to record vocals and mix your songs in Studio One.

  • A General Vocal Recording & Mixing Template With Stock Studio One Plugins Ready to Be Customized to Suit Your Needs
  • Ivan's Personal Vocal Recording & Mixing Template Containing All the 3rd Party Plugins and VSTs He Uses On a Daily Basis! (Demo purposes only. Must still purchase third party plugins separately!)

BONUS: The Producer's Template (with Recording Tracks)

  • This bonus template combines both the Producer's and Engineer's templates for anyone who wants both workflows in one

  • Free Lifetime Updates 



See You Inside!